Think about recycling your screens when the time is right

The past year has brought changes that will be with many of us for the long-term, whatever walk of life we are in.
Our world has shifted, and so has the way we go about our lives in our offices, homes, places of leisure and entertainment.
Acrylic screens are something that few of us would have given much thought to before the pandemic struck; but they have quickly gone from something we might occasionally have encountered to an everyday object. From schools to farmers’ markets, dental surgeries to retail outlets and workplaces, they have sprung up everywhere.
As demand for acrylic products soared (estimates say at its peak it was at around 12 times the usual levels), as people sought out a quick solution. Understandably, they were keen to introduce the best levels of protection and to comply with social distancing guidelines. And they wanted products that not only offered that protection, but were also built to last – in times of uncertainty, people have been striving to introduce as much certainty of their own as they could.
Though many of the measures that have been introduced will be with us for the foreseeable future, there will also be a day when consideration will be given to relaxing social distancing requirements, and businesses will no longer need sneeze screens, or need fewer of them.
Where that doesn’t apply, then people may decide to keep their screens as a permanent fixture, but wish to upgrade to a thicker, more premium screen. Whatever option you pursue, the focus will be on confidence and safety, effectiveness and durability, and flexibility where needed.
There will also be concern about the impact that producing so many screens will have on our environment. PB Signs shares that concern, which is why we have teamed up with Amari Plastics to provide a screen recycling service. Many of our clients talk to us regularly about the environmental aspect of their requirements, and we are always eager to provide a ‘green’ solution where possible.
So if you no longer need your acrylic screens, then you can return them to us and we will be only too happy to arrange for them to be recycled. The material will then be repurposed and used in jewellery and furniture making, paint manufacturing and is also recycled to make ‘Greencast,’ which is 100 per cent recycled acrylic.
If you’d like to discuss recycling options with us, it couldn’t be easier: please give the team a call on 01684 576217.